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Fresh Start Duct Cleaning
Goes Above and Beyond

Our Mission is to be the Best Duct Cleaning Company, let us explain how.

  • ​After our initial introduction our team enter's your home to inspect the furnace and duct system.

  • Our technician will place a high quality resolution camera in your duct system to ensure you require our service and there is no large items or damaged duct work if there is low suction.

  • Once our technician has confirmed that our services are required, our team than begins to bring all equipment into your home.

  • Let's roll out the red carpet, we care for your home and protect the flooring and stairs from our equipment. Our technician's will wear booties as well. 

  • EVERY Vent (Supply, return and Fresh Air) will be vacuumed using a HEPA Filter (Finding all those missing socks and toys), Scrubbed and Sanitize using a 99.9% Plant Based Disinfectant (Duct work and the vent cover)

  • A Heavy Duty Grill-Mask is placed on the vent cover and placed back. 

  • Once each vent and return vent on every floor of your home is cleaned and covered our technician starts up our ultimate negative air machine and generator.

  • Our air line connected to our compressor which is placed at the furthest point from the furnace. This is where we will begin.

  • We now use our magical 'Wip" (is like an octopus with 12 tenticles) this Wip uses a 190 PSI which runs through each vent leaving nothing behind. This is repeated throughout each vent (Hot, Cold and HRV). 

  • Now that the magic is done our technician will confirm with our camera that nothing was left behind guaranteeing our work.   

  • Our technician than defogs your entire duct system using our trusted Plant Based 99.9% product Benefect which Sanitizes and Deodorizes your complete system. 

  • The Grill-Mask is removed from each vent and disposed of.

  • Our crew will leave a Fresh start sticker on your furnace for a friendly reminder of when your Duct cleaning took place. 

  • Our crew members begin to clean up and return furniture back to its original home. Our last step is rolling up our red carpet and giving the homeowner our any tips they may find fit. 

  • All of our equipment is sanitized between each call. Our Filters are all HEPA and changed regularly to ensure the best filtration.

Duct Cleaning Equipment

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see your Question here? Give us a call! 


Can I choose which Vents to clean?

No, selecting specific vents for cleaning is not an option. Robert and Jennifer established Fresh Start Duct Cleaning with the explicit purpose of executing the job thoroughly. To ensure a comprehensive job, it's imperative that EVERY vent is sealed (covered with a grill mask), and our specialized 'WIP's' must be inserted into each and every vent (Hot, Cold and HRV).


How can I determine a Job well done?

After each Service call our technicians will email you up to 10 images attached to your digital invoice. 

But check for yourself, grab your cell phone and turn the flash on , on your camera app. Take a picture for your self!  


Why do I smell burning after my Duct Cleaning Service?

This is VERY normal! Our technicians have stirred up a lot of debris in your duct work! The smell will last no more then 30 minutes. The technical work for this smell is Burn off. If the smell continues past 30 minutes please do not hesitate to contact our technicians with your concerns. 


Why don't you use a Truck mounted system?

At Fresh Start Duct Cleaning Services using New Technology is extremely important. Portable equipment can often be brought directly into a furnace room, allowing the vacuum source  be located closer to the ductwork. Our equipment does not lose suction by running 60-120 feet of hose. We also do not have doors and windows open to run those hoses. We also provide a cleaner work area by not running hoses through your home. Portable Negative Air equipment for the win! 

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